Floorgear Floorfast 65 Underlay – Rolls – FGU7

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Floorgear FLOORFAST 65 Underlay Rolls – 11m x 1.37m  FGU7

SKU: FGU7 Category:



FLOORFAST 65 -Versatile Double Stick Underlay                 

Floorfast 65 is a classic doublestick underlay designed for use in heavy wear areas, domestic and contract, where carpet wear and appearance retention is enhanced by creating a carpet and underlay composite through adhesion.

Floorfast is held to the subfloor using a tackifier and the carpet is fully adhered using a water based carpet adhesive.

Floorfast creates the ideal base for the creation of borders and designs that enable unique flooring effects.

End Use Category = HC/U Luxury & Heavy Domestic and Contract Use  | Gauge = 6.5mm |Weight = 2.58kgs/m2

ROLL SIZE – 11m x 1.37m = 15m2

Conforms to the requirement of BS5808

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11m x 1.37m ROLL=15m2 BULK